Family Matters Campaign, Spring 2021
During April and May 2021, The Council for Disability Awareness is running this campaign to raise awareness about the importance of income protection and what that means, as the definition of “family” continues to evolve.
The Importance of Disability Coverage for Families in Uncertain Times
Millions of working Americans are facing financial uncertainty this year. The absence of emergency savings, rising medical costs, and an overall trend of fewer employers offering benefits to workers has created a uniquely challenging time. But now as much as ever, it’s important to understand that without some kind of income protection, more Americans could face severe financial difficulty if they need to miss work due to illness, injury or pregnancy.

* Source: Federal Reserve, Update on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households: July 2020 Results. Figure 2.
Downloadable Advisor Materials
We offer the following materials for download as part of our commitment to providing the most current resources for advisors to share with consumers and employers about the importance of alternate sources of income for times when one is out of work due to illness, injury or pregnancy.
Fact Sheet:
Social Media Content Package:
Download a folder of 20 relevant, eye-catching graphics to share, along with suggested text to accompany each post, available in two formats, to fit your preferred platform.
Download Rectangular Format: Sized for Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn
Download Square Format: Sized for Instagram or Facebook
The CDA Blog
Through April and May, we’re posting in-depth articles twice a week with useful facts, advice and insights about income protection, workplace benefits and financial planning. Visit our blog today.
Consumer Microsite
The CDA’s consumer microsite,, is designed to encourage people to consider the reality of missing work as well as to identify the steps to insure themselves against this possibility. In doing so, the CDA aims to help people understand that some form of income protection is a critical part of a responsible financial plan.

Media Inquiries
All press and media related questions or inquiries should be directed to:
David Page at CD&M Communications
Phone: (207) 347-3300 ext. 19
The Council for Disability Awareness
22 York Street, Portland, ME 04101
Phone: (207) 774-2634